Pro-gun protesters
Pro-gun counter protesters demonstrate at the March For Our Lives protest in Washington, D.C. on March 24th, 2018 / Stephen Gutowski

Poll: More Americans Oppose Stricter Gun Laws Than Support Them

Support for gun control has fallen again.

That’s according to a new poll from Quinnipiac, which found 49 percent of adults oppose new gun laws, compared to 46 percent of those who say they support further restrictions. The findings mark the first time since 2015 that fewer than 50 percent of voters expressed support for new restrictions to Quinnipiac pollsters.

The findings are just the latest evidence of a broad shift against gun control among the American people. Last week’s poll from Gallup showed a similar drop in public support for stricter gun laws, and a recent Morning Consult poll found voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of gun policy.

All of this indicates more bad news for President Biden’s gun control goals. A closely divided Congress has forced the President to rely on increasingly-modest executive actions on guns as of late. And with election prospects looking increasingly grim for Democrats in next year’s midterms, a rightward shift of the electorate on gun control is unlikely to inspire a push for new laws in the near future.

Partisan identification again proved to be a significant factor in respondents’ support for gun control. Among Democrats, 91 percent said they support stricter gun laws compared to only 13 percent of Republicans. Among Independents, 39 percent expressed support for more gun control, while 54 percent expressed opposition.

Respondents were more unified in their support for restrictions on gun carry. 62% of adults said there should be restrictions on gun owners who want to carry guns in public places.

“To pack or not to pack firearms and how to best manage the right to bear arms, a mixed view,” Tim Malloy, a Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst, said. “Americans are divided on increased restrictions on gun ownership, but they say keep a close eye on where they can carry them.”

The poll also identified a drop in support for gun control among young respondents. Those aged 18-34 were more likely to express opposition (47 percent) than support (46 percent) for new gun control. The findings track with an ABC poll from earlier this April, which found a 20-point cratering in support for gun control among young Americans.

Quinnipiac also found a substantial racial gap in attitudes to gun control in their poll. White Americans were the most likely racial group to oppose new laws at 55 percent, while only 16 percent of Black Americans and 46 percent of Hispanics said the same.

Americans also appear to remain divided over whether or not increased gun-carrying makes the country safer, with 40 percent agreeing that it does and 48 percent saying that it would make the country less safe.

The Quinnipiac poll of 1,378 U.S. adults nationwide was conducted from November 11th through the 15th. It has a 2.6 percent margin of error.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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