Podcast: NBC Pollster Unpacks Gun Ownership Spike, Political Implications

NBC News recently released one of the most impactful polls on gun ownership in America. So, it’s time to take a deep dive into what it tells us.

Who better to do that with than one of the analysts who actually conducted the poll? That’s why we have Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies on the show this week. He and his company run surveys for NBC, CNBC, and a number of political operations.

He said the biggest takeaway from the latest NBC poll on guns was the substantial spike in ownership, especially among Democrats and suburban voters. He noted gun ownership has increased ten points in just ten years, which he argued is highly unusual because gun ownership is a trait that tends not to swing much over time. He also pointed out the remarkable 17-point increase in gun ownership among Black Americans.

Roberts explained how the poll found, like many others before it, that gun ownership has a significant effect on how people view gun control. Gun owners, as you might expect, are less likely to support new gun restrictions. So, the influx of new gun owners could shape the nation’s gun politics.

However, he also identified a surprising trend. Democrats have seen the greatest increase in gun ownership since the poll started. But they’ve also seen the greatest increase in concern the government won’t do enough to restrict access to guns. He said there is still an identifiable difference in how Democrats view guns based on whether they own one, but partisanship appears to have a greater effect on those views.

Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I talk about the failed Senate “assault weapons” ban vote.

You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the episode is available on our YouTube channel. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. The show goes public on Monday.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

2 Responses

  1. I am happy you folks are getting higher end Ranges with amenities.Just keep in mind those of us in Blue States, like Massachusetts, have very limited ranges with many Towns amending their bi-laws to rid themselves of local gun shops. What a world of difference. For me at least I am a member of a local Gun Club that has both an indoor and outdoor range about 5 miles from my home. I am luckier than most, but what a different world from what you have.

    1. Yea, it really does depend on where you live and local governments can intentionally make things difficult for ranges and gun stores. DC is like that. There isn’t a single range inside the city.

      I think that will likely be an area of renewed interest for gun-rights activists in the coming years. There have been a few high-profile legal fights over this in recent years. We’ll probably see more soon as Bruen starts to have a broader effect in the courts.

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