Podcast: An Interview With the Lawyer Dismantling Hawaii’s Strict Gun Laws

This week, we’re talking with one of the most prolific independent gun litigators in the country.

Alan Beck set about successfully undoing the country’s stun gun bans in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2016 Caetano ruling. He also challenged Hawaii’s effective ban on gun carry in Young. Now, he’s back taking on the Aloha State’s strict gun laws in the wake of 2022’s Bruen.

And he’s winning.

This week alone he notched victories in two different cases against Hawaii. First, a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled the state’s total ban on butterfly knives violates the Second Amendment. Then a federal judge appointed by Barack Obama found Hawaii’s post-Bruen “sensitive places” gun-carry restrictions, including in restaurants, also run afoul of the Second Amendment.

Beck explains the ins and outs of those rulings as well as their significant implications for future cases in Hawaii and beyond. Then he describes a new suit he just filed against a Hawaii county trying to force concealed-carry permit applicants to waive nearly all of their privacy rights, including what they’ve told their lawyers or even priests.

Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss the Supreme Court’s intervention into the “ghost gun” case.

You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the show is available on our YouTube channel. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. Everyone else can listen on Monday.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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