Stephen Gutowski on CNBC's The Exchange
Stephen Gutowski on CNBC's The Exchange / Screenshot

Gutowski on CNBC: Gun Sales ‘Aren’t Slowing Down at All’

Founder of The Reload Stephen Gutowski joined CNBC Tuesday to analyze how the gun market is keeping up its record pace.

Anchor Kelly Evans noted the jump in sale-related background checks during the pandemic and asked whether it is still increasing or tapering off.

“Still increasing right now, actually,” Gutowski replied. “We’ve seen 8.5 million gun-sale-related background checks so far in 2021, which is actually up from 8.1 million during the same time period in 2020, so sales aren’t slowing down at all.”

He also explained that demand levels and production limitations have industry leaders expecting backlogs to last two and a half years or more. Meanwhile, federal gun control looks unlikely given the close divide in Washington.

“Expect these companies to continue to sell a lot of guns,” Gutowski said.

You can watch the full segment below:

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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