This week, we’re looking ahead at what Republicans want to do on gun policy headed into their new trifecta.
To do that, we have the man who has been at the center of their legislative efforts for years now. Representative Richard Hudson from North Carolina’s Ninth District joins the show. He has sponsored most of the top-priority gun bills in recent years and just introduced a new version of national gun-carry reciprocity this year.
Rep. Hudson answers a series of questions on the details of the new bill and why he and his GOP colleagues decided to incorporate them. He also explains how he thinks it could get to President Donald Trump’s desk, even though he admits that’s a tall task. Then, he discusses other changes beyond the top-ticket items he and his colleagues plan to pursue.
Hudson also said he would not back new gun restrictions regardless of who pressures him, including the biggest players in his own party.
You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the episode is available on our YouTube channel. An auto-generated transcript is here. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. Everyone else can listen on Monday.
Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I recap the first confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee, Pam Bondi. We talk about why it could spell trouble for the political influence of gun-rights advocates. We also cover the Supreme Court’s latest rejection of multiple Second Amendment appeals and where things stand with a closely-watched pending ‘assault weapon’ ban case. Finally, we wrap up with discussions around the Third Circuit’s re-vindication of the carry rights of young adults in Pennsylvania, a guest post on the questionable state of firearms forensics, and a collection of key gun stories from outside The Reload.