We are about one week into President Donald Trump’s new term. So, we’ve got Kevin Williamson from The Dispatch back on the show to go over what happened.
Or, perhaps more accurately, what didn’t happen. Williamson said Trump’s first week was relatively light on gun action, especially compared to other issues. He said that may not tell us where Trump, who he described as transactional on most issues, on gun policy. But it did give insight into how his administration prioritizes gun rights initiatives.
Williamson also gave an overview of his new series on the ATF. He described the agency’s origins, overarching purpose, and ways it could be reformed or improved. He argued that the most substantive changes would require congressional action, but he said Trump could make improvements if he chooses the right director.
You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the episode is available on our YouTube channel. An auto-generated transcript is here. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. Everyone else can listen on Monday.
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Plus, Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I cover Trump’s pardoning of the January 6 rioters, many of whom will again have access to firearms despite being convicted of violent offenses. Finally, we break down a few new developments at the ATF and provide a brief update on the latest news out of the Supreme Court in its consideration of an “assault weapons” ban case.