Podcast: Non-Profit Law Professor James Fishman on the NRA’s Corruption Trial

This week, we’re looking ahead to the end of the NRA’s corruption trial that’s set to arrive on Friday.

To better understand exactly what’s at stake in the case, I’ve brought on an expert in not just non-profit law but New York non-profit law. Pace University Law Professor James Fishman, who has written extensively on the subject, joins the show to give us some expert insight into the facts of the case and the potential outcomes. He provides an overview of what to expect once the case ends.

Fishman argued the admitted misappropriation of funds by current and former NRA leadership, especially former CEO Wayne LaPierre, put the group in serious legal jeopardy. He also dismissed many of the arguments the group and its leadership have used in the case thus far.

He painted a dim picture of the group’s chances for success in the case.

Fishman did admit New York Attorney General Letitia James (D.) erred when describing the NRA as a “terrorist organization” during her campaign. But he explained the NRA’s repeated attempts to use her comments as a defense in the case failed because the AG built her case around provable instances of corruption and misappropriation of funds that have left the NRA in dire straights. He argued those facts would weigh more on the judge and jury than the AG’s rhetoric.

As for the likely outcome, Fishman said the NRA will likely end up with a court-appointed overseer in charge of vetting its financial decisions. He said the overseer could also force reform on the group’s 76-member board and its opaque bylaws.

Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss the Hawaiian Supreme Court ruling putting the “Spirit of Aloha” above gun rights.

You can find the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the episode is available on our YouTube channel. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. The show goes public on Monday.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

3 Responses

  1. As usual you have given us a great update on the current events concerning our right to bear arms. The only critique I will state here is we listeners really don’t care what team you are or are not rooting for in the Super Bowl. In fact many of us will not even on the Super Bowl game itself because of the NFL’s posture toward Un-American gestures during pregame and I for one refuse to waste my valuable time watching (supporting) them. So in other words, keep your professional sports preferences to your self. Otherwise, we love you, Bro.

    1. Thanks. We put the personal updates at the end of the show in order to allow anyone to skip that section if they just want the gun-related stuff.

  2. So, for the umpteenth time, my initial comment on Youtube, which keeps “disappearing”:
    Thank you, The Reload. I look forward to the day when I can again say, “I Am The NRA!”
    I hope the NY court’s monitor will oversee a radically reduced NRA BoD, the purge of the rest of WLP’s Stooge Crew, and a thorough revision of the NRA’s bylaws.
    May the 4 Reform BoD Candidates also be in place (see “The Firearms Coalition” website with Jeff Knox) #RightsDelayedRightsDenied

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