Podcast: Former NRA Board Member Rocky Marshall on the Group’s Legal Struggles

The NRA will not be forced to close down due to the New York Attorney General’s corruption suit.

However, the case remains active. So, former NRA board member Rocky Marshall joined the show this week to discuss the internal fight over the corruption allegations against NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and other members of leadership.

Marshall is one of the few board members to publicly oppose LaPierre and make efforts to remove him from leadership. Last year, he became the first person to run against LaPierre for Executive Vice President.

He said he is glad the Attorney General won’t be able to shutter the organization. He also said he believes the evidence shows LaPierre did divert large sums of NRA money to his own personal expenses. Marshall argued the group has been seriously harmed by that corruption and must be reformed if it hopes to survive.

But the board remains almost entirely behind LaPierre. Marshall lost the election to LaPierre in a landslide, and he wasn’t renominated to run for the board again this year. Plus, NRA lawyers have accused him of trying to take over control of the NRA for himself.

Marshall said the board is effectively controlled by a small number of board members who are on many of the most important board committees. He argued that group of LaPierre loyalists controls the board nomination process, which goes through the board’s nominating committee, and forces internal critics off their committee positions and the board as a whole.

He said the only hope for the NRA is a member-led reform movement and said that’s what he is focusing his efforts on now.

Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss where President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee may end up on gun law.

You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

3 Responses

  1. If Marshall’s assessment is even partially accurate, the only way to truly reform the NRA will be for the New York Attorney General (or some other agent) to sue its directors in their personal capacity for failing to exercise their fiduciary duties. The NRA won’t change along as these 76 individuals can enjoy the prestige and perks of being NRA directors without ever being held accountable for their decisions

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