Podcast: Former NRA Board Member on His Testimony in the Corruption Case

The National Rifle Association’s (NRA) corruption trial in New York began this week, and we have the first witness called in the case on the show with us.

Rocky Marshall is a former NRA board member and the first to receive votes for executive vice president against Wayne LaPierre in decades. He has also been a vocal critic of LaPierre, other key members of leadership, and outside counsel Bill Brewer. He blames their mismanagement and misconduct for the NRA’s current downward spiral.

Marshall laid out the questions he was asked during his testimony. The questions were wide-ranging, and he was on the stand for over an hour. He explained his view of where the prosecution is going as well as where the NRA’s defense is headed.

He also talked about his decision to run for the board again. He’s qualified for the ballot alongside three other reform candidates. Marshall said people are underestimating how important the NRA is to the gun-rights movement and argued it’s still possible to fix things from the inside.

Plus, Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss the whiplash Californians must feel as gun carry was made lawful again by a federal court ruling.

You can listen to the show on your favorite podcasting app or by clicking here. Video of the episode is also available on our YouTube channel. Reload Members get access on Sunday, as always. The show goes public on Monday.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

5 Responses

  1. Stephen, I only have one minor, minor, tiny minor criticism to make here on today’s podcast and that is not mentioning Rocky’s name at the end of your interview with him. It was no big deal because I was able to easily look back at your written description. Also helpful would be repeating the names of Mr Marshall’s Board colleagues who were also ignored by the NRA Leadership, i.e. serving on committees, etc. Those people I want to delve in further before I cast my vote in March as I am one of those Life Members of the NRA, who can and tries to vote intelligently on my ballot.

    Just in case I did not mention it, I am only stating a very minor critique. lol. – Stephen B

    1. The four folks mentioned, which were nominated by membership to the ballot, are:

      Rocky Marshall, Judge Phil Journey, Dennis Fusaro, and Jeff Knox.

    2. No worries. I’m open to critiques of all shapes and sizes haha.

      As mentioned by one of our other fine Reload Members, the reform group consists of Rocky Marshall, Judge Phil Journey, Dennis Fusaro, and Jeff Knox.

  2. Really enjoyed this interview, btw. Substantive conversation with a person of interest, talking about stuff I want to know about. Recipe for success!
    Was keenly interested in the bit about the NRA’s legal strategy maybe evolving, of course. What a cock-up this whole thing is. *facepalm*

    1. That’s great to hear. It’s exactly what we’re aiming for in terms of the podcast interviews!

      I’m also very interested in whether the legal strategy is changing. So, Rocky’s comments on that front were pretty remarkable. I’ll definitely keep an eye on this aspect of the case as it moves forward too.

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