An NRA shirt
An NRA shirt / Stephen Gutowski

NRA Tries to Move on in First Board Meeting Since Bankruptcy Failure

TYSONS CORNER, VIRGINIA–The National Rifle Association returned to business as usual on Saturday as its board met during a special session in Northern Virginia.

The group’s precarious legal situation was not brought up in the open session of the meeting. Neither the NRA’s failed attempt to file for bankruptcy in Texas as a legal strategy to avoid a New York corruption suit nor the tens of millions of dollars it cost the group were mentioned. The ongoing New York suit, brought by rival AG Letitia James (D.) to dissolve the group, was absent from the discussion.

Instead, the group was focused on rebuilding its operations and defending against an aggressive gun-control push from the Biden Administration. Several board members advocated for placing a larger emphasis on the group’s safety and training operations after the department has seen significant cuts over the past several years. Jason Ouimet, the NRA’s top lobbyist, also explained the gun-rights group’s efforts to combat Biden’s moves. He gave a frank assessment of the political situation in a report to the board.

Ouimet said David Chipman, who President Joe Biden (D.) nominated to run the ATF despite his history working for gun-control groups, nearly has the 50 votes required for confirmation. He said the NRA believes Senators Manchin (D., W.Va.), Toomey (R., Pa.), Tester (D., Mont.), and King (I., Maine) are undecided on Chipman. He said the group is applying as much pressure to them as possible through a $2.5 million ad campaign and lobbying effort.

He noted Chipman failed to pass out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday after a tie vote. However, Ouimet said the tie meant either the minority or majority leader could discharge him to the floor for a final vote. He said if Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) decides to put Chipman to a full vote after the upcoming recess, it likely means he’s secured enough votes to be confirmed.

Ouimet also updated the board on Biden’s attempt to ban most pistol braces and tighten regulations on unfinished firearm parts through executive action. He said the NRA is pushing members to comment on both proposals and pans to add comments to both as an organization as well. He said he expects to generate hundreds of thousands of comments against the proposals.

However, Ouimet warned President Biden might well push the proposals through despite the opposition. He said those proposals would give Chipman–if he is confirmed–greater leeway over how to regulate the firearms industry than any other ATF director before him.

Ouimet praised the group’s efforts at the state level, especially its push to enact permitless gun carry laws. He pointed to the policies passing in Iowa, Montana, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah as proof of the NRA’s continued influence. He said no other gun-rights group had that kind of nationwide influence.

“So goes the NRA, so goes the Second Amendment,” Ouimet said.

He also pointed to the Chipman hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee as another example of the NRA’s reach. Ouimet claimed the group helped write talking points for some of the senators.

“The reason a lot of these senators and everybody tweets about these great quotes and some of these things that come out of these Senate Committees – those are coming from our staff,” Ouimet said. “A lot of those things are being given to these guys. A lot of these guys look really good on a lot of occasions. Some of them come up with their own creative stuff on their own – I’ll give it to you. Sen. Grassley said, ‘putting Antifa in charge of Portland is the same as putting Chipman in charge of ATF.’ That was good. That was his.

“But a lot of this stuff is us.”

He said that while other gun groups may focus on social media, the NRA is in the room working on gun legislation with lawmakers across the country.

“Make no mistake about it, without us doing this work, the void that would exist would be astronomical and to think that somebody else is going to fill it with a tweet or a meme somewhere is just silly – honestly,” Ouimet said.

The NRA board went into “executive session” shortly after Ouimet’s report, which was only open to board members and certain staff. The NRA has 76 board members, but The Reload counted only 45 board members in attendance at the Saturday meeting. Multiple sources told The Reload, which was the only news outlet at the meeting, board members were warned against talking to the outlet while it wasn’t present in the room. Though, many board members did not follow the advice.

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre was present for the entire board meeting. However, LaPierre was shuffled out a side door and through a kitchen area when The Reload approached him at the end of the meeting–a scene similar to what happened at the group’s March board meeting. Security told The Reload that LaPierre could not stop and speak because he was on his way to a business meeting.

Update 11:43 am 6/27/2021: This post has been updated with direct quotes from a transcript of Ouimet’s speech obtained on Sunday. The Reload has replaced a paraphrase of Ouimet as claiming the group puts words in the mouths of senators with a direct quote to more accurately explain the point he was making.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

3 Responses

  1. Typical LaPierre. No accountability. Other groups, like GOA, have had their members submit comments on current issues weeks ago, while NRA talks about it. NRA won’t get another penny from me until LaPierre is gone. Enhanced Life Member.

  2. As an Endowment Member does Wayne and his facilitators understand they will not get another dime from me till Mr. Wayne is gone. My funding goes to SAF, FPC and GOA.

  3. Seems there is a ton of our money going to save Mr LaPierre. I believe he did a lot of good for the NRA in the past. However he, like many people in positions of power, has abused our trust and needs to go. This is a critical time for our 2A freedoms. All efforts must be focused on that. Not on protecting one individual. The board is making a bad choice. Ties with Wayne must be cut immediately. I’m not renewing till he is gone.

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