The Glock booth displays the company's different handguns at SHOT Show 2022
The Glock booth displays the company's different handguns at SHOT Show 2022 / Stephen Gutowski

Kamala Harris Says She Owns a Glock

The Democratic Presidential Nominee owns one of the most popular handguns in America.

On Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris revealed what kind of pistol she owns. While she first publicly said she owned a handgun during her first campaign for president in 2019, she and her campaign had not said what kind of gun until now. In an interview with Bill Whitaker of 60 Minutes, Harris said her gun is a Glock.

“I have a Glock, and– I’ve had it for quite some time,” Harris said. “And– I mean, look, Bill, my background is in law enforcement. And– so there you go.”

When asked, she also said she had fired her gun.

“Yes. (laugh) Of course, I have,” Harris said. “At a shooting range. Yes, of course, I have.”

Harris’s comments answer some of the basic questions surrounding her gun ownership. However, they leave many more unaddressed. While Harris said she’d owned her Glock for some time, she did not reveal exactly when she purchased the gun. Nor did she say what specific Glock model she owned and whether it is on the roster of “safe” handguns that most California residents are limited to purchasing or if she bought an off-roster gun under the law enforcement exemption. In fact, all Glock models are considered “unsafe” handguns under the state’s current standard because none of them include the required loaded chamber indicator or magazine disconnect safety. Some older-generation Glocks were grandfathered onto the roster and are available for purchase by regular Californians because they were already sold in the state before the roster’s implementation.

Additionally, she did not address how she squares her previous support for a 2005 measure that would have banned handgun possession for most San Francisco residents with her current handgun ownership. The Harris Campaign did not respond to The Reload‘s request to answer those questions. It also avoided similar questions from The New York Times for a piece it published on Sunday.

According to a contemporary report from the San Jose Mercury Press and an account from the gun-rights lawyer who eventually defeated the ban, Harris was one of the few city officials to back the handgun ban during the early days of her tenure as San Francisco District Attorney.

“Although Mayor Gavin Newsom has not taken a position, several of the city’s most liberal leaders are supporting the far-reaching ban — including District Attorney Kamala Harris and four supervisors who are listed as sponsors,” Mary Anne Ostrom reported at the time–adding that Dianne Feinstein, who instituted her own failed pistol ban when mayor, also declined to back the 2005 ban. “Feinstein, now a U.S. senator, is not taking a position on Proposition H, because she feels the state’s top court has already ruled, a spokesman said.”

Proposition H would have banned the manufacture, sale, or even possession of pistols by city residents who weren’t active duty law enforcement, military, or security guards. It passed in 2005. A California appeals court threw the measure out in 2008.

Harris would play a more active role in implementing numerous gun restrictions as she rose up the government ranks over the next twenty years. After Proposition H failed, she backed a gun storage measure and said police would enforce it by going into lawful gun owners’ homes to inspect their setups–though it’s unclear if that ever actually happened. She also signed on to a brief in the Supreme Court’s landmark Washington, DC v. Heller case, arguing that city’s handgun ban did not violate the Second Amendment–a position the Court rejected.

As California Attorney General in 2013, Harris certified “microstamping” gun tracing technology as viable. However, since no company has ever implemented the technology on any production pistol, the result was an effective ban on new handgun models in California until the state gave up on defending it in court earlier this year. In 2019, during her first run for President, Harris repeatedly backed a mandatory buyback plan for “assault weapons” such as the popular AR-15, even praising Australia’s mandatory buyback law as recently as last year.

Since taking over the top of the Democratic ticket in July, Harris has sought to soften her positions on gun control. Her campaign walked back her support for forcing Americans to sell certain guns to the government and instead emphasized a platform focused on the same three policies President Joe Biden had already been running on.

“Correct, the VP will not push for a mandatory buy back as president,” Lauren Hitt, a Harris spokesperson, told The Reload in July. “She has expressed support for red flag laws, universal background checks and an assault weapons ban.”

At her debate with Republican Nominee and Former President Donald Trump, she began to emphasize her own gun ownership as a counter to the former’s attacks on her record.

“This business about taking everyone’s guns away; Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anyone’s guns away,” Harris said at the debate, a line she’s repeated every time the topic has come up since.

Emphasizing her personal ownership of a handgun has been her go-to move ever since. During a recent campaign event, she even told Oprah Winfrey, “If somebody breaks in my house, they’re getting shot.”

For his part, Trump has not emphasized gun policy much during the campaign. Republicans stripped all gun policy promises from their 2024 platform, and Trump snubbed the issue during his record-long acceptance speech. Despite being shot with an AR-15 in an assassination attempt and losing his gun rights after a jury convicted him of multiple felonies, Trump has maintained his opposition to most new gun restrictions, including a ban on ARs, and is slated to speak to the National Rifle Association for the third time this year at a Georgia event during October 22nd.

Voters have consistently ranked guns as a mid-to-low-level issue in the 2024 race. However, most also view the issue as important to their vote, and gun sales have begun to pick up as election day nears. In a race as close as this one, if gun policy moves even a small percentage of the electorate, the issue could help determine the outcome.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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