Stephen Gutowski discusses the Kyle Rittenhouse case on Stu Does America
Stephen Gutowski discusses the Kyle Rittenhouse case on Stu Does America / Screenshot

Gutowski: Video Evidence Always Indicated Rittenhouse Had ‘Very Strong Self-Defense Case’

Stephen Gutowski, founder of The Reload, appeared on Stu Does America Monday to talk about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

He said the case against Rittenhouse was always going to be challenging to prove because of the available video evidence. He pointed to a point in the trial that many media outlets focused on and said it merely reaffirmed what was already on video.

“It’s been likely since the beginning, given the video evidence that we’ve all seen, that he was going to have a very strong self-defense case,” Gutowski said. “You’ve seen a lot of developments in the trial so far. And I think one of the biggest ones was just one of the people who was shot admitting that he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse before he was shot which again is just something that we already knew from what was on video.”

Gutowski said it was reasonable to question whether Rittenhouse should have gone to Kenosha that night, but his actions during the actual shootings are what’s on trial. He said the shots he took appeared to be in self-defense.

“Obviously, it’s a horrible situation and, like you said, you could question whether or not you’d want your 17-year-old kid involved in the middle of all that to begin with, but when it comes to the actual case at hand as to whether he has a self-defense claim, I think he does.”

Gutowski also discussed the latest on the Supreme Court’s gun-carry case and what the practical outcome of striking down New York’s “may-issue” law could be. He also talked about the impact guns had in the recent Virginia elections, where Republicans rode some late-breaking firearms stories to victory in a surprise upset.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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