Reload Founder Stephen Gutowski appears on LiveNow From Fox / Screenshot

Gutowski on Fox: Moderate Democratic Senators Stopped Biden’s ATF Nomination

Founder of The Reload Stephen Gutowski joined LiveNow from Fox to discuss the withdrawal of David Chipman’s nomination to lead the ATF.

“Essentially they couldn’t get the 50 votes needed to push him through the Senate,” Gutowski said. “It came down to getting all 50 of the Senators who caucus with the Democrats to vote for him, and they simply couldn’t secure enough votes to make it happen.”

Anchor Andrew Craft read the White House’s statement on Chipman’s withdrawal, in which the President blamed Republicans for sinking the nomination, and asked about the difficulty of confirming an ATF director.

“The White House is being a little bit disingenuous there because they didn’t need Republican support to get his nomination through,” Gutowski said. “They only needed 50 votes plus the tiebreaker from the Vice President. Certainly there was united Republican opposition, but the real key here was Democratic opposition to his nomination.”

Watch the full interview below:

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Comments From Reload Members

One Response

  1. Wait… what??

    You mean not all Democrats are frothing at the mouth to strip us of our gun rights?

    When word gets out, most of major 2A players are gonna have to come up with new fundraising campaigns.

    For those out of the loop, removing gun control from the agenda of the Democratic Party is THE move to protect gun rights in the future… and this development proves that there is hope.

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