- The Reload newsletter detailing the biggest stories in guns each week, including our original reporting.
- An exclusive newsletter analyzing what happened and what it means for guns in America.
- Access to exclusive posts on The Reload website.
- Early access to The Weekly Reload Podcast and the opportunity to appear on the show!
- The ability to join the conversation in The Reload comments section.
- Exclusive Q&A sessions with Stephen Gutowski and Reload staff.
Praise For Stephen Gutowski's Reporting

A Message From Stephen Gutowski
I created The Reload to be an independent, subscriber-supported publication dedicated to accurate reporting that details the nuances of big gun stories and sheds light on under-reported aspects of gun ownership in America.
My goal is to make The Reload the best place to find fair and discerning reporting on firearms and how they intersect with politics. By applying rigorous journalistic standards and speaking to both experts and advocates from all sides of the gun debate, I aim to produce accurate and compelling reporting. In order to accomplish that, I’ve decided not to accept money from any group I report on or take any payment from anyone looking for favorable coverage or otherwise manipulate my reporting.
No secret deals for positive posts. No advertising contracts with groups or businesses that I cover. No shady arrangements.
Keeping an independent publication afloat does cost a lot of money, though. For that, all I have is my readers and their willingness to support what I’m trying to do. That’s why I hope you’ll join today.
Not just to get access to exclusive posts and insights or Q&A sessions but also to help support independent journalism about the firearms community. I’m counting on your support to reach as many people as possible with the facts and untold stories about gun owners in America today.
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