Where the Democratic VP Front-Runners Stand on Guns
With Kamala Harris’ place at the top of the Democratic ticket this November all but guaranteed, attention has now turned to who she plans to tap as the party’s vice-presidential nominee.
With Kamala Harris’ place at the top of the Democratic ticket this November all but guaranteed, attention has now turned to who she plans to tap as the party’s vice-presidential nominee.
In the few weeks since it was handed down, we’ve begun to see the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in US v. Rahimi. Early indications are it could be limited.
The 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC) came to a close Thursday night. From start to finish, gun policy was entirely left off of the main stage–even during Donald Trump’s hour-and-a-half keynote.
18-to-20-year-olds in the Gopher State will soon be able to apply for gun-carry permits.
The Republican Party’s newest platform stripped nearly all of its old gun policy promises out of the updated final document. Is that a sign that the party is turning away from gun voters?
In its first official platform since 2016, the Grand Old Party (GOP) slashed all mention of its gun policy positions.
Gun rights advocates hoping the Supreme Court would finally weigh in on the question of so-called assault weapon bans were once again left disappointed this week. Yet even in defeat, Justice Clarence Thomas offered them a lifeline.
The Supreme Court has decided against providing further guidance on the Second Amendment—at least for now.
Is the Supreme Court already retreating from its recently adopted Second Amendment legal test? The chief architect of that test seems to think so.
Fresh off its victory in Rahimi, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is asking the Supreme Court to clarify who it can disarm under the Second Amendment.
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