Analysis: Gun-Rights Advocates Make Final Pitch for SCOTUS to Take Up ‘Assault Weapon’ Case [Member Exclusive]
The ball is officially in the justices’ Supreme Court on whether to decide if AR-15 bans are constitutional.
The ball is officially in the justices’ Supreme Court on whether to decide if AR-15 bans are constitutional.
Outside of the President himself, few roles in the incoming Trump administration will wield more potential influence on federal gun policy than the Attorney General. His latest pick has a complex history on the issue.
Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court staved off a novel new attack on state preemption laws this week. That’s a setback for gun-control activists nationwide, but it won’t be the end of the fight–even in the city that launched the latest offensive.
Philadelphia’s latest and most far-reaching attempt to enact its own gun laws was brotherly-shoved out of court on Wednesday.
The Hawkeye State may limit the gun rights of people who have been involuntarily committed over mental health concerns, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled on Friday.
Reversing all of his predecessor’s gun-control policies is one of the few concrete policy pledges President-elect Donald Trump made to gun voters on the campaign trail. Fulfilling that pledge could get complicated.
After a federal appeals court wrote AR-15s and the magazines that typically come with them out of the Second Amendment, a federal judge has written them back in.
Gun voters are likely to benefit as a new Republican trifecta takes hold of the federal government in the wake of the 2024 election. Yet gun policy didn’t seem to have much to do with the outcome of the vote.
Gun-control supporters can count the Centennial State as one of their few bright spots from election night.
The Centennial State can once again deny 18-to-20-year-olds the ability to purchase any firearms.
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