Tennessee Forced to Allow 18-to-20-Year-Olds to Carry Guns, Pay Gun-Rights Group’s Legal Fees
Young adults in the Volunteer State will soon enjoy the same gun carry rights as their peers over the age of 21.
Young adults in the Volunteer State will soon enjoy the same gun carry rights as their peers over the age of 21.
In the state often credited with kicking off the nationwide movement, so-called Second Amendment Sanctuaries are being put to their most significant test yet.
Illinois’ newly passed “assault weapon” and ammunition magazine bans will soon meet their first tests in federal court.
Already faced with the threat of impending legal challenges, supporters of Illinois’ new “assault weapon” ban face a new obstacle: mass non-compliance.
State-level “assault weapon” bans have returned with a bang, achieving new victories in ways not seen in more than two decades. Yet shifts in public opinion and the Supreme Court’s watchful eye mean their days may be numbered.
With just one day left to spare in the state’s lame duck session, Illinois legislators have sent a ban on so-called assault weapons to Governor J.B. Pritzker’s (D.) desk.
We now have a better idea of what the next big Supreme Court gun case could be.
The gulf between red and blue states and their approach to gun laws grew wider in 2022.
Both sides of the American gun debate achieved significant victories in 2022 and will be looking to capitalize on that momentum in the new year. Here’s a look at what to expect on guns in 2023.
The country’s most prominent gun-rights organization was once again the top dog in outside election spending among gun groups.
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