New York Bans ‘Hunting Contests’
The Empire State is cracking down on hunting contests and tournaments.
The Empire State is cracking down on hunting contests and tournaments.
Police officers responding to the Lewiston, Maine shooter’s deteriorating mental health considered but decided against using the state’s temporary gun confiscation law in the months leading up to the attack, according to newly released recordings.
A Massachusetts federal judge upheld the commonwealth’s ban on AR-15s and similar rifles this week. His rationale for doing so relied on an idiosyncratic understanding of the rifle’s purported lethality and defensive utility.
California’s new concealed carry law is “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court” a federal judge has ruled.
A private gun buyback event hosted by gun-control activists may have violated New Mexico’s gun laws.
The Centennial State won praise from gun-control advocates over its busy year of enacting new firearms restrictions.
New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin (D.) filed “public nuisance” lawsuits against gun companies for the first time this week. It could be the undoing of the law that allowed him to do so.
Gun-rights advocates’ hopes of emergency relief were unceremoniously dashed by the Supreme Court on Thursday.
Hunter Biden launched the opening salvo in a Second Amendment showdown with his father’s administration.
The Golden State is back in court over gun-carry permits. This time, the ramifications of the suit could extend well beyond the state’s borders.
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