Day: August 6, 2021

Gun Politics
Stephen Gutowski

Newsletter: Where Biden’s ATF Nomination Stands Now, and An Update on Gun Sales

The Reload has spent another week at the center of a D.C. dustup. My report featuring ATF agents corroborating the existence of allegations ATF director nominee David Chipman made racist remarks while a manager at the agency’s Detroit office remained in the spotlight. Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee argued over the report and whether Chipman should be brought back for a second hearing to address it. It was also the subject of multiple speeches on the Senate floor and was entered into the Senate record. The letter sent to the committee by seven more former Chipman colleagues opposing his nomination, which I also broke news of here at The Reload, created another sticking point. As did a Fox News story on Chipman failing to disclose an interview he did on Chinese state media. All of this raises the question: where does Chipman’s nomination stand? Is it over? I try to answer that. Plus, we got new numbers on gun sales and how they’re affecting the bottom line of gun companies. And Cam Edwards from Bearing Arms was on this week’s podcast to talk about all the latest gun stories. Analysis: Where Does David Chipman’s Nomination Stand Now? [Member Exclusive] A lot has happened with President Joe Biden’s ATF director nomination these last two weeks. His pick, David Chipman, faced a torrent of new negative stories. First, The Reload published a report corroborating the existence of allegations he made racist remarks while at the agency. Then, a group of retired agents came out against his nomination over concerns about his temperament and gun-control advocacy. And another report found he did not disclose an appearance on Chinese state media to the Senate Judiciary Committee. His confirmation is still in the committee because Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) has yet to call him to the floor for a full vote. After his confirmation hearing all the way back in May, I tried to answer the question of whether he’s likely to get 50 votes. At the time, I said the odds were likely in his favor. After all, Democrats just need to get their own Senators in line to vote for him. But, as time dragged on and he remained in limbo, I said the odds were growing longer. In D.C., bills or confirmations that linger tend to atrophy and die. Compare Chipman’s path to another controversial nominee: Tracy Stone-Manning. Like Chipman, The nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management is opposed by every Republican Senator. Unlike him, though, she got all 50 Democrats to vote to advance her nomination. She’s likely to be confirmed on Monday despite having her confirmation hearing after Chipman and facing equally intense opposition. Chipman’s chances have only continued to wither since I last discussed it. If you’re a member, click here to read more. If not, join today to get access to this story and much more! Gun Company Profits Continue to Soar Alongside Sales Profits are up again for two

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